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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Feel My Muscles

Women have seven stages of life: infant, little girl, miss, young woman, young woman, young woman, and young woman. And any woman knows that the seven stages of a man are: infant, little boy, little boy, little boy, little boy, little boy, and little boy. Most smart women know that a man is just a ten-year-old boy all grown up. He still wants a woman to think he’s wonderful. A ten-year-old boy is outside doing flips on the jungle gym for his mom. He says, “Mom, look at me, aren’t I strong, feel my muscles.” She agrees, “You are so strong. You’re so wonderful.” He always performs for his mother and his mother encourages him.

But then something strange happens around 16 or 17 years of age. His mother starts to see the negative. Instead of watching him perform she focuses on the things she needs to improve. He says, “Feel my muscles.” And she responds with, “Clean up your room,” or “Make better grades.” Eventually he begins to look around for another woman. Ah-ha! “Feel my muscles. Aren’t I wonderful? Watch how hard I hit the ball.” The new woman said, “You’re wonderful! Let me feel your muscles. You’re so strong.” They get married. If this woman isn’t careful she will become like his mother and focus on the negative. He wants her to feel his muscles and tell him he is wonderful. So what happens if she doesn’t? He starts to look for another woman. Most affairs don’t take place for physical reasons but for psychological reasons. A man wants to hear that he’s good and wonderful and that he’s the best.

I’m not the best speaker in the world but my wife and I go to a conference where I speak with several others, she always tells me, “You were the best.” I like that. That’s another way of saying, “Feel my muscles, aren’t I strong?” That’s what a man needs. He’s just a ten year old boy grown up. He wants to be noticed. Every little boy wants to be a hero and the way to his heart is through his ego.

A “thank you” a day will keep the lawyers away. Ladies, when was the last time you told him you appreciated him for all his hard work? Better yet, go around and tell people how great your husband is. You say, “Wait a minute Charles, he’s not very good.” Let me ask you something. Why did you marry him if he’s not very good? Did you look for someone who would make you miserable? When you married, you convinced your parents how good he was. They may have told you that you weren’t old enough or that they didn’t like him. You convinced them otherwise by telling them all the good things about him. What happened? I suggest that your husband isn’t wonderful anymore because you don’t say wonderful things anymore.

Start saying that he’s the best and he will start acting the best. There is one slight problem, he probably doesn’t know how. He needs a little help, like a 10-year-old boy. You have to be direct. You can’t just say that you like flowers you have to be specific. A hint such as, “I like flowers” doesn’t get the job done. That will go over his head and he’ll come home with a package of seeds. You have to look him in the eye, show him flowers, and say, “On the next special occasion, roses like that would be nice and I especially like the yellow ones.” Be direct. If you say you like to travel, he’ll come home with a road map. You have to say, “I want to go to the Grand Canyon with you.” Romance to a man is a woman telling him exactly what she wants. That’s freedom. He can accomplish this and ask you to feel his muscles. This applies to every area of life in communication.  Men need specific directions.

Men hate to stop and ask directions but there comes a time when they are lost as a ball in tall weeds. They know they don’t have a clue. He will stop at a convenience store and ask the lady behind the counter for directions. “Do you know where Route 41 is?” She'll say, “Oh, yes, it's easy to find. Go to the third red light and take a left. Then go around the curve but don't take the next right. Go to the next right and you'll see a big tree. Go past the tree and turn on the next left. Go about a 1/2 mile and on the left you'll see a big curve, go past that curve and on past the next curve you'll turn left and you'll be on Route 41.” Every man in America will say, “Thank you very much.” He'll go back to his car and he won't have a clue where Route 41 is.

His wife will say, “Do you know where it is now?” And he'll say, “She didn't know.” He goes on and won't ask again. There's not a man in America who will say, “Excuse me, you're going too fast, could you slow down so I can write this down?” Now, if the lady behind the counter takes the time to show him, we're getting somewhere. She might say, “You know, I have to go right by there in just a few minutes. Why don't you follow me? I'll go slow and when I honk the horn and you'll be there. I will turn the blinker on and you turn.” The man would say, “Thank you God.” And he will find Route 41.

Listen ladies, this is what you do with a man. If you want him to get somewhere, you have to take him slowly and be direct and specific. Remember he’s a 10-year-old boy. If you tell him how to do it, he will. Why? So you can feel his muscles.

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